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3 Common Reasons Behind Workers’ Compensation Denials and How to Fight Them

When the unfortunate happens and you are unable to work due to an injury or illness sustained at your job, workers’ compensation benefits can be a blessing. But it is not always smooth sailing for those in need of such relief. In fact, many valid claims are routinely denied by insurance carriers. Fortunately, all is not lost as there's still room to appeal this decision with relevant evidence and potentially gain access to these vital resources!

So, what are some of the reasons an insurance company will deny a workers’ compensation claim?

Your Injury is Non-Compensable

The workers' compensation system can be a complicated tangle of legal definitions and requirements, leaving the average person struggling to understand their rights. The insurance company may argue that an injury or illness doesn't qualify for coverage. But, without proper advice, it's hard to know what options are truly available. To get the most out of this difficult situation, seeking expert legal counsel is always your best bet.

You Suffer from a Pre-Existing Injury

Despite being aware of the difficult reality for workers, many insurance companies take every opportunity to evade responsibility when it comes to compensating victims for injuries or illnesses sustained as a result of their workplace. Rather than accept culpability and provide rightful restitution, they will often try to blame prior medical issues in an effort to relieve themselves of any burden.

You Lack Supporting Medical Documentation

If you've provided sufficient evidence of a workplace injury, enlisting the help of an experienced worker's comp lawyer can be invaluable in standing up for your rights. The insurance company has every right to access and scrutinize all medical records associated with your case—including those forms victims are expected to sign during treatment. Unfortunately, these insurers often claim that they never even received such documents, leaving countless individuals feeling powerless against them.

With an attorney, you can battle all of these issues head-on.

How Should You Appeal a Denied Claim?

When an injury occurs in the workplace due to negligence, employees should not be left disadvantaged and vulnerable. Filing a claim for compensation after such incidents is only fair.

Unfortunately, as outlined above, these claims are often denied by employers and insurance companies. Should this happen to you, state law allows you time within which filing an appeal can secure your rights: acknowledgement of responsibility and appropriate recompense for the accident that has occurred onsite at work. So if faced with any form of unjust denial following unfortunate events like slip-and-falls or burns sustained while working, know that there is recourse available through timely appeals procedures.

When a workplace accident leaves you with pain and suffering, an experienced workers' compensation attorney can be your beacon of hope. With their help, victims may gain much-needed financial assistance to cover medical costs or lost wages from the job they are no longer able to perform due to injury—even disability benefits. You'll not only need someone who understands all the legal considerations surrounding such matters but also one strongly devoted in protecting these rights both for yourself and others like you inside the same employer's domain.

Chalk Law is Here to Defend You

If you were injured at work and your claim was denied, don’t give up. Our team is committed to fighting for people suffering from injuries or disabilities. We understand how exhausting it feels when the whole system is stacked against you.

We review your case and work closely with you to make the best argument possible to ensure you receive maximum benefits.

Contact us today to get a no-obligation consultation!

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